Bullying is the use of force or threat, to abuse or aggressively dominate or intimidate anyone. According to a survey conducted by the IMRB (Indian Market Research Bureau) and the ParentCircle, almost one in every three students in India has reported for being bullied by their peers at school at least once, every year. This means that almost 33% of the students under the age of 18 have been bullied, and sadly one out of every three children bullied commits suicide. It can take various forms from Verbal Bullying (name calling and teasing) to Physical Bullying (hitting) and from Cyber Bullying to Emotional Bullying (hurtful gestures and exclusions from classes and canteens because of their caste, religion, class and gender). Children with common traits make a group and target children who do not share those traits or can easily be bullied. The children are bullied for being poor, dyslexic, teased for being thin and weak and sometimes just because the bully wants to show everyone that they are very strong.


But these complaints were not there 30 or 40 years ago. So, what has changed? Have the people become insensitive? No, bullying has always been there in the schools, the only difference is that now the people are coming forward and fighting against it, the government has become more sensitive towards it and the parents are now trying to understand that bullying is a very big deal and should not be considered any less than a crime.


So, what can parents do to stop bullying?

  • Parents should strengthen their communication with their children so that when bullying comes up in conversations, their children are comfortable and are able to share their fears.
  •  Parents should make sure that their children are comfortable telling them even if they have witnessed bullying.
  •  Believe your child when they say that they are being harassed or bullied.
  •  Make your children understand that it is not ok or fine if they are being bullied, they need to speak up about it.
  •  Be empathetic towards the children who have been bullied and provide them with counseling at the correct time.
  •  Children should be told that bullying is nothing less than a crime and the bullies need to be punished.


Bullying can leave a child with bruises that usually heal, but sometimes, the bullying can have a long term effect on children. Children can stop talking, behave differently than others, have inferiority complex and can become so vulnerable that they go under depression. Sometimes, it does not even stop there, many children commit suicide and leave their families mourning.


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